Lent at Holy Cross
Soup and Stations
Fridays at 6pm from March 7 to April 11
Thursday March 6 7pm/ Friday March 7 9:30am -11am
Friday, March 21, 5pm
Thursday, Aril 3, 7pm/ Friday April 4 9:30am-11am
Penance Service
Thursday, March 27 at 7pm
Lenten Retreat
Saturday April 12 12noon-3pm Christ’s last 7 words
Holy Week
April 12/13 Palm Sunday Masses
April 17 Holy Thursday Mass at 7pm followed by Adoration until midnight
April 18 Good Friday, Church open for prayer 12-3 Passion of the Lord Service 7pm
April 19 Holy Saturday Blessing of Food, 10am
April 18 Holy Saturday Vigil Mass, 8pm
April 20 Easter Sunday Masses, 8am, 11am and 2pm
Our Mission and Vision
Inspired by our rich history and tradition, in downtown Lynchburg, the Christian faithful of Holy Cross Catholic Church, blessed by the sacraments, invite all to encounter Jesus Christ through worship, community and service to one another.
To be the shining light of Christ through the open doors of our downtown Catholic Church
- Saturday
- 4:00 pm
- Sunday
- 8:00 am, 11:00 am, 2:00 pm (Spanish)
- Daily
- Every weekday (except Tuesday) at 9am
- Holy Days
- Noon and 6 pm
We livestream the 11am(English) Mass on Sundays and 2pm (Spanish) Mass on Sundays at our YouTube channel. All previous livestreams can also be found there. Misa en Español en vivo, haga clip aquí.
- Friday
- After daily mass
- By request
- After daily and weekend mass
Eucharistic adoration
- Thursday before First Friday of the month
- 7:00-8:00pm
- First Friday of the month
- After daily mass
- Third Friday of the month
- 5:00-6:00pm
Daily readings
Monday of the First Week of Lent
Reading 1 Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18 The LORD said to Moses, “Speak to the whole assembly of the children of Israel and tell them: Be holy, for I, the LORD, your God, am holy. “You shall not steal. You shall not lie or speak falsely to one another. You shall not swear falsely by my name, […]
Lunes de la I semana de Cuaresma
Primera lectura Levitico 19, 1-2. 11-18 En aquellos días, dijo el Señor a Moisés: “Habla a la asamblea de los hijos de Israel y diles: ‘Sean santos, porque yo, el Señor, soy santo. No hurtarán. No mentirán ni engañarán a su prójimo. No jurarán en falso por mi nombre; eso sería profanar el nombre de […]